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October 5, 2024

9 Types of Women Who Will Cheat on You

9 types of women who might cheat on you – and the subtle (or not-so-subtle) signs to look out for before they do.

Ah, relationships – a delicate dance of trust, love, and occasionally, betrayal. And while we’d all like to believe that we’re starring in a Disney movie where true love prevails, sometimes life throws us a plot twist worthy of a soap opera.

Cheating, unfortunately, is one of those twists. So, how do you spot potential trouble before it blows up in your face?

Well, allow me to present nine types of women who might cheat on you – and the subtle (or not-so-subtle) signs to look out for before they do.

You know the type. Her phone is practically an extension of her hand, and she’s got her head buried in it more than a bookworm in a library.

Her typing speed rivals that of a court stenographer, and yet, she claims it’s ‘just work’. Sure, and I’m the Queen of England.

Spot the signs:

The key giveaway here is the ever-elusive screen tilt – you know, that sneaky little angle she gives her phone when you walk by. If she’s texting like her life depends on it but can’t spare you a glance, you might want to check if there’s another leading man in her DMs.

Ah, the overly friendly type – sweet as pie but maybe just a tad too sweet. The dozen get her male friends, and while we all know that people of the opposite sex can be just friends, there’s a fine line between ‘Hey, buddy!’ and ‘Hey, big buddy’.

Spot the signs:

She insists on hanging out with just her male besties, and somehow, you’re never invited. If she refers to every guy as ‘like a brother to me’, but you’ve caught a few lingering hugs, your radar should be blinking like mad. Just because she calls him her brother or cousin doesn’t mean she’s not considering a Game of Thrones-level twist.

Yes, we’ve all heard the phrase – the innocent work wife or work husband. But when your girlfriend’s spending more time with her ‘colleague’ than with you, it might be time to ask what’s really going on during those long ‘meetings’. Spoiler alert: They might not just be meeting deadlines.

Spot the signs:

Watch out for the mysterious after-hours ‘work drinks’ and late-night presentations that seem to require a candlelit dinner. If her new perfume smells oddly like promotion desperation, she might be mixing business with pleasure.

Her Instagram stories are more curated than a Louvre exhibit, and her Snapchat streaks are longer than your average rom-com.

She’s got hundreds of followers and knows them all by name. But the more she posts, the less she seems to show up in your actual life. Cue the suspicion.

Spot the signs:

When she starts posting photos of fancy dinners and tagging everyone but you, it’s time to wonder if she’s saving the best captions for someone else. If she’s more invested in her virtual validation than in your Netflix marathons, you might be losing the real-life story to an online audience.

Every relationship has its ups and downs, but with the Drama Queen, it’s a daily emotional rollercoaster.

One day she loves you, the next, you’re the villain in her tragic love story. And let’s be honest, nothing screams ‘I’m over this’ like someone who thrives on chaos.

Spot the signs:

When her arguments feel more scripted than reality TV and she’s threatening to leave every other day, it’s usually not just for dramatic effect. If her eye-rolling has reached Olympic levels, she might already be checking out (and into someone else’s arms).

Spontaneity is exciting, right? But when her ‘I just need space to discover myself’ speeches sound like she’s prepping for a solo backpacking trip to Bali, you should be concerned.

The adventurer loves freedom, but sometimes that can mean freedom from commitment, too.

Spot the signs:

She’s suddenly booked a ‘girls’ trip (which, curiously, includes no girls you’ve ever heard of) or she’s too busy soul-searching to text back. The next thing you know, her solo yoga retreat includes a new “friend” named Brian, and you’re left wondering how you didn’t see it coming.

You know the one — she’s the life of every party, downing shots like she’s training for the Olympics and somehow knows every bouncer in town.

While there’s nothing wrong with cutting loose once in a while, if her idea of a ‘quiet night in’ involves nightclub strobe lights and dancing on tables, there’s a slight chance that fidelity isn’t her top priority.

Spot the signs:

When her ‘girls’ night out’ happens more often than your date nights, and she’s conveniently too ‘busy’ to answer your calls after 1 a.m., it might be time to question whether all her party mates are just innocent dance partners. If she’s constantly getting ‘lost in the moment,’ don’t be surprised if she forgets where she’s supposed to be the next morning.

She claims she’s over her ex – but somehow, she’s still checking in on him. A text here, a quick call there.

She assures you they’re just friends now, but if he’s still lurking in the background like a ghost that refuses to leave, you’ve got to wonder what’s really going on.

Spot the signs:

If she’s reminiscing about their good old days and texting him at odd hours, don’t buy the ‘We’re just catching up’ excuse. The more her ex features in your relationship, the more likely she’s still emotionally invested – and not just in a platonic way.

She has that type of history – the one where she’s always ‘kind of’ in a relationship but never fully committed. If she’s using phrases like ‘it’s complicated’ or ‘we’re sort of together’, then you’ve landed yourself in murky waters.

This type loves the thrill of keeping things ambiguous – and that could mean you’re not the only one she’s stringing along.

Spot the signs:

If she’s cagey about defining your relationship or seems allergic to the term ‘boyfriend’, you might be just another chapter in her dating anthology. If every time you try to ask where you stand, she dodges like she’s in the Matrix, it’s a red flag waving in your face.

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