28.9 C
New York
September 19, 2024

Stepmother Arrested Over Murdering of 3-Year-Old Stepdaughter

A 32-year-old woman has been arrested in Alebtong District on suspicion of murdering her 4-year-old stepdaughter.

The victim, identified as Angel Among, was the daughter of Immaculate Awunu and Silvesto Obongo, who had previously divorced. On August 21, 2024, police reports indicate that Among’s stepmother instructed Prisca Alum to take the crying child to her in the garden.

At around 10 a.m., the child was taken to the garden, while other children remained playing nearby. Later that evening, the suspect and Alum returned home without the child, who remained missing until August 27, 2024. It was then that Andrew Ayel, the LC1 chairperson of Alele-tidi cell in Alebtong Town Council, reported the disappearance.

On August 30, Among’s body was discovered in a bush near a sunflower garden by police. The body was found naked with injuries to the forehead and was later brought to the stepmother by the child’s biological mother, Immaculate Awunu.

Authorities have condemned the act and continue to investigate the case. The North Kyoga Regional police spokesperson stated that the suspect has been apprehended and that all necessary proceedings are ongoing.

The 2023 annual police crime report reveals that at least 25 Ugandans are either murdered or die in road crashes each day.

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